Disaster Relief
Lutherans Respond
Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose ...
Pentecost and the Pride Parade
What do Pentecost and Marching in the Hudson Valley Pride Parade have in common? Certainly both were joyful. Certainly both were colorful. Certainly both were a chance for folks to get involved.
...God Touching Lives Through Redeemer
Good Morning! Today is the first of a series of Stewardship Temple Talks. These stories will be from and about us, we who worship here at Redeemer Lutheran. We all have a story to tell of how we
...A Message On AIDS and the Church’s Ministry of Caring
...“Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of
H.O.P.E. ("Helping Other People Everywhere")
Now through the end of May, we will be collecting food items in support of FAMILY of New Paltz's "Summer Snack Project."Many kids who receive meal support though...Telling People That God Loves Them Is Good Theology
Telling people that God loves them is good theology.
Showing people that [God] loves them is what transforms the world.
—Jim PalmerGod be with us
...Evangelical Lutheran Church Declares Itself a Sanctuary Denomination
A Movement Led by the Metropolitan New York Synod
MILWALKEE, August 7, 2019 —When the Going Gets Tough
These are tough and even agonizing times that we are living through right now. As individuals, families, faith communities, nation, and world we are in the midst of the kind of major historical
Remembering the things that are really important: this is one of the blessings that can come out of tumultuous times like those in which we are currently living. Remembering might sound like a
...Undoing Racism: Pray-Act, Repeat (A Pastoral Letter)
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I imagine that you are horrified - as am I - by all of the racist acts taking place around our country. These fly in the face of our understanding of
...Christ's Ministry Among Us
Ministry - Christ’s ministry among us - is always ministry in progress, “ministry in motion.” My work as a pastor, my calling is to nurture this in-progress work in our congregational community,
...What is a Synodical Deacon?
Have you ever wondered what a Synodical Deacon is? Or what a Synodical Deacon Does?
At the urging of Pastor Tobias, I will be sharing with you, on a monthly basis, what my ministry as a
...Ambassadors for Christ
Our Fall Pledge Drive is underway! And your pledge of financial support to Christ’s mission through Redeemer, New Paltz matters so much - we make this happen together. Please, before or by
...A New Sign?
A New Sign? More partners utilizing God's House at Redeemer (aka the building)? A Renewed Sense of Purpose and Mission?
One of the things to which I'm giving a lot of my pastoral time and
...A Thank You From Family of New Paltz
On behalf of Family of New Paltz, we'd like to share a thank you for your generosity in supporting Project H.O.P.E. during 2022.
Through your support, Family of New Paltz was able to
...Queer Virtue: Book Study & Discussion
Join us this Easter Season online for a book study and discussion about LGBTQ+ Welcome Through Our Churches.
This critical study and discussion focuses on Reverend Elizabeth Edman's book