Our Fall Pledge Drive is underway! And your pledge of financial support to Christ’s mission through Redeemer, New Paltz matters so much - we make this happen together. Please, before or by Sunday, November 20th, give prayerful thought to how God is stirring your household to support Christ’s work through Redeemer, and fill out and send your card by mail or drop it in the offering plate at worship - or click "Pledge Now!" to submit electronically.
Due to rising inflation and Synod guidelines for staff that reflect this, our projected 2023 Spending Plan will likely include at least $15,000 increase. But we can do this together! God takes each of our contributions and somehow will make it enough.
In Christ we are a new creation - made new and made ambassadors to bring the good news to others in efforts such as the Ecumenical Sunday School and Adult Book and Bible Studies where community and faith are grown and enhanced; Worship including the Blessing of the Animals and Youth-led Service where heart/mind/soul are nurtured; Campus Ministry including our dynamic new campus chaplain; Music ministries including the cultivation of our choir and our youth cantor Lisa, as well as Gospel/Worship music Sundays and original songs by pastor Tobias.
Together, bringing our time, talents, and finances, we can strengthen and grow our Ambassador ministry for Christ through Redeemer. Thank you so very much for your support!
The Stewardship Team