Remembering the things that are really important: this is one of the blessings that can come out of tumultuous times like those in which we are currently living. Remembering might sound like a relatively easy activity to pull off, but it can actually require quite a bit of effort.
Paul, in his letter to the fledgling Christian community in Rome, tells them that he is always “remembering them in prayer.” (Romans 1:9) Which might remind us that there’s a difference between merely remembering (bringing something or someone to mind), and taking initiative or doing an actual action of good (such as prayer) for them. Paul was very busy planting Christian communities in multiple locations, but he took time to have this letter written down and delivered so that the gospel efforts of the people of Rome could be encouraged.
This week I received a lovely hand written note and donation to Redeemer, New Paltz from someone who described how they’ve been regularly listening to the video messages we’ve been posting to our website and social media. Their household has its own church, but they wanted to say how they’ve been appreciating “tuning in” to worship services and messages from other congregations as well, including ours.
While the postal service is not in danger of needing trucks to deliver the quantity of such notes being sent to Redeemer, New Paltz, there have been others such as this one. A number of folks who were already regularly attending Redeemer before the pandemic have also sent along notes of gratitude and encouragement with their offerings.
I treasure these notes and hope that each of you will, too. Like Paul’s letter of encouragement to the Romans, they remind us that there are folks out there remembering and praying for Christ’s work through Redeemer. These notes also encouraging us - you and I - to be a part of that prayerful remembering work ourselves.
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The challenges of the times in which we live almost defy description. Yet God is still faithful, still remembering us and seeking to help us to deepen our practices of remembering and our prayers and practices that can build up all that is important for the sake of the gospel and the world.
Please know that you are remembered.