What do Pentecost and Marching in the Hudson Valley Pride Parade have in common? Certainly both were joyful. Certainly both were colorful. Certainly both were a chance for folks to get involved. But most of all, both of these recent celebrations represent the work of the Holy Spirit through Redeemer active for the world.
On Pentecost we read the lessons in four different languages, remembering that it is the work of the Holy Spirit that made it possible for the Gospel good news of Jesus’ love break down the barriers of language for the early disciples. This same Holy Spirit continues to reveal the good news of the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts, the Church, and the world today. Marching in the Pride Parade was an opportunity to bear witness to Christ’s love for all people, especially for people who have often heard a message of exclusion and hatred. This is an example of carrying out our mission focus area of Equality and Diversity, all to Share Christ’s Welcome with the world.
So on Sunday we gathered for worship, we gathered for intergenerational games, training and food, all so that we could be sent by Christ for the sake of the world. The Holy Spirit as our guide, we were breaking down barriers and proclaiming Christ’s love for all.
I think that perhaps we celebrated Pentecost twice this year.