Pentecost and the Pride Parade
What do Pentecost and Marching in the Hudson Valley Pride Parade have in common? Certainly both were joyful. Certainly both were colorful. Certainly both were a chance for folks to get involved.
...Feed My Sheep
The risen Christ needs our hands and hearts, for we are living in crazy and sad times.
Jesus stands on the Lakeshore in today’s gospel and tells Peter to “feed my sheep” in a three-fold
...Telling People That God Loves Them Is Good Theology
Telling people that God loves them is good theology.
Showing people that [God] loves them is what transforms the world.
—Jim PalmerGod be with us
...Evangelical Lutheran Church Declares Itself a Sanctuary Denomination
A Movement Led by the Metropolitan New York Synod
MILWALKEE, August 7, 2019 —Undoing Racism: Pray-Act, Repeat (A Pastoral Letter)
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I imagine that you are horrified - as am I - by all of the racist acts taking place around our country. These fly in the face of our understanding of
...Showing Up for Racial Justice: Resources & Community Meeting
To the Point: At the end of this note you will find several resources for growing our understanding of what we can do to show up for Racial Justice. On Sunday, June 28th after
...In Solidarity and Preparation to work for Racial Justice
The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to walk in solidarity with our brown and black sisters and brothers in the work of Undoing Racism. To this
...Community Meeting to Rise Up Against Racism: “My Grace is Sufficient for You”
My sisters and brothers in Christ, as I write to you now for a third week, inviting us to a time of prayer leading to action as a congregation, action rising up against racial injustice; as I
...Letting God Equip Us
We must stay on course. Racism is real. White privilege is real. Rising up as people of faith to be part of Christ’s resurrection work to enact long term change is a holy calling that
...Many Well-aimed Stones
We are living in extraordinary times. We are living in extraordinary times and these extraordinary times call for extraordinary ways of living in order that we might make a difference for the
...Queer Virtue: Book Study & Discussion
Join us this Easter Season online for a book study and discussion about LGBTQ+ Welcome Through Our Churches.
This critical study and discussion focuses on Reverend Elizabeth Edman's book
...Pride Month
As we enter Pride Month, it’s all too obvious, at least to me, that there are those who are unaccepting, intolerant of others. There are those who seek to spread untruths about those they