We must stay on course. Racism is real. White privilege is real. Rising up as people of faith to be part of Christ’s resurrection work to enact long term change is a holy calling that many of us may only just be waking up to.
We will probably need to keep repeating these phrases. We will probably need to keep reminding ourselves and each other that this is present day work building for a long haul, long term effort. Especially as we move out of week 5 and then with God’s help month 5 and then with God’s help year 5. Especially as surface layers of racial equity get addressed and other major national and global issues present themselves and we get tempted to get distracted or lulled back into complacency.
God is in charge and leading the charge. God, who called a conglomeration of people out of slavery in Egypt and brought them through the wilderness to the promised land, and who through that wilderness journey formed them into a united people; this same God is seeking to guide us through the wilderness of these times when pandemics threaten our health and the underbelly of racism that has shown itself to be alive and well threatens the health and well-being, but also the very hearts and souls of our collective being. And with God’s help and guidance we can, as we journey through these wilderness times, become a united people; devoted to our individual and collective healing; advocates for our brown and black sisters and brothers; deepened in our
We must take action. Please plan to join us on July 20th at 7pm for this talk being given by Ibram X. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Antiracist.” Then please join us via Zoom on Tuesday, July 22nd at 5pm for a follow up conversation being hosted by the newly formed Redeemer Anti-racism Task Force.
Please continue to pray. Please commit or recommit to this chief faith action of prayer, giving praise and thanking God for God’s real and absolute loving perseverance in human affairs, and asking daily for God in Christ to lead us individually and as a church in all dimensions of our lives, including this work of rising up against racism.
Please take a few moments to view or read the following resources. Part of our collective work is to establish a baseline of fluency on this topic so as to support our conversations and prayers leading to action. We need to let God equip us for this journey, today and for the long haul.
- (7 minutes) Video: A filmed interview of Bettina Love vividly explaining the difference between allies and co-conspirators in the fight for justice. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4804332
- (5 minutes) Article: On letting go of defensiveness and becoming better supporters of the fight against racism. https://www.christiancentury.org/article/editorpublisher/becoming-less-defensive-about-white-privilege
- (5 minutes) Article: An article encouraging people to read “White Fragility” https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/06/05/dear-white-people-please-read-white-fragility/