The Biggest Production, Ever
Some day I want to be part of staging the biggest Christmas Pageant ever!
There will be beautiful organ music playing and a gigantic children and adult’s choir singing classical Christmas
...Christmas with Redeemer
..."For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Preparing through Advent
As we move through this season of Advent, this season of preparation for the Festival arrival of our Savior the Christ child, we Prepare to welcome Joy incarnate.
But what does this
“But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.”
As a child I was given a small wooden box in the shape of a heart. I’m not sure if it was for my birthday or for
...Telling the Christmas Story
A teenage girl named Mary, learning she is pregnant with God’s son; Jesus who is the Messiah, born in a lowly stable in a land under oppressive Roman occupation; Shepherds, low in social stature
...The Love that Came Down
Including today, there are actually three more days of Christmas. Three more days to especially praise God for the gift of the Christ child, sent to heal the sins of the world. Three more days to
...Unto You
“For unto you this day is born a child in Bethlehem; who is Christ the Lord.”
Unto YOU this day.
Oh sure, the Christ child is also born for your
...2021 Christmas Blessings
Unto us this day is born a child who is the Christ! Born for our dreams achieved and disappointments in progress. Born for the wealthy and middle class and born for those in poverty, for whom a
...Not Today
Hmmm…Not today, oh God, not today. Oh, please don’t ask us to get up and face this world with all of its poverty and sadness; with all of its loneliness and fear. Today, just today, can we get up
...Treasure These Things in Your Heart
In these days of hyper-fast, hyper fast lives, it can be hard to make the time to dwell deeply, consider fully, treasure the stuff of life.
Today is the second time we hear of Mary
...Tonight is no Ordinary Night
This is a wonderful night, isn’t it? A truly wonderful night. Maybe you’ve had Celebrations with loved ones. Maybe you’ve been having nice food and favorite drinks. Maybe opening presents or
...A Wonderful Interruption
I'd like to share a light-hearted story with you. A true story of five friends who exchanged small gifts with each other every year at Christmas, rotating in such a way that each person received