Homily for Palm Passion Sunday 2018
Palm/Passion Sunday can be jarring, jolting even as we move quickly from joining the crowds cheering Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem to joining the crowds crying “crucify him, crucify
And nothing more
And the end has come
SilenceThe end of Jesus’ earthly journey has come. The time of God - walking fully human on earth - has
...Easter Dawn
We have come to the Easter Dawn!
Sure, the actual dawn isn’t for another 10 or 12 hours, but that’s a technicality.
We have come to the dawn of our Savior’s resurrection.
Invitation to Renewal
A beautiful red cardinal landed under a nearby shrub as I was hustling the kids out the door to school one morning this winter. It only registered with me a few hours later that I‘d seen this
...Faith Planted Through The Cross
There is nothing more important than the gift of faith that God in Christ makes possible through the cross.
The “Hosannas” of Palm/Passion Sunday, which do so quickly change to cries of
...Here, Now, Again
Tonight we begin the Triduum, or worship in three parts over three days that is Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. We have, with God’s help, moved along our Lenten journey of God
...Letting It All Go
It’s time to let it all go.
It’s time to let everything go.It’s time to let go of our worries and our fears and our guilt. It’s time to let go of selfishness and greed. It’s time
...Christ is Risen Indeed! (2019 Easter Vigil Homily)
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
I was catching up with my old friend Mary Ellen not long ago. She’s one of those friends, you know the kind - who know you so
...The Magnificent Story of Jesus' Resurrection
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Christ is risen indeed, alleluia!This magnificent story of Jesus’ resurrection, that starts with the line “Early on the first day of the week, while it
...Why Are We Rushing Around?
I read some years ago that the reason that the Church celebrates Palm/Passion Sunday - where we move from joyous hosannas quickly, abruptly to the cries of “crucify him” - all in one worship