It’s time to let it all go.
It’s time to let everything go.

It’s time to let go of our worries and our fears and our guilt. It’s time to let go of selfishness and greed. It’s time to let go of anger and impatience, but it’s also time to let go of our need to be right and judging others who think differently than us. It’s time to let go of trying to get things perfect and it’s time to let go of blaming ourselves, and others, for not being perfect. It’s time to let go of our families and friends, our church community and all the communities of which we are a part.

 It’s time to let go of this aching world so full of war and bloodshed, so full of hunger not only of body, but of soul and heart. It’s time to let it all go.

We can stop trying to be Jesus.

For there is a Savior who climbed to this cross, a Savior come for the world, and this Jesus has taken up our lives and the lives of those we love and the lives of those we do not love and every burden of the world so that these burdens can be held in the everlasting promise of Christ’s salvation.

So we can stop trying to be superhuman. We can stop trying to be anything other than human, and in that release made possible by grace, God meets us with love so vast and so wide and so incredible that it takes our breath away. For God so loved the world that God gave the only begotten Son so as to take away the sin of the world.

This love of God through Jesus Christ, this willing sacrifice, it is so incredible that perhaps it is no wonder that we often act as though it has not happened. Perhaps it is no wonder that we try and try and try to run our own lives, run this world and everyone and everything in it.

But it’s time to let it all go.
It is even time to let Jesus go.

I don’t want to. I’m afraid of this day when all turns to darkness and the Easter dawn has not yet come. I’m afraid of this day when the world’s foundations will tremble even as the veil is torn in two. Can’t we hold on to anything, Jesus? Can’t we even hold on to you?

And the answer comes, full of love: “My dear ones, my little ones, you must even let ME go, on this day, so that my purpose can be fulfilled. So that even the darkness comes to know my PRESENCE and so that even darkness shall come under my reign of NEW LIFE.”