Project H.O.P.E. Food Giveaway


In keeping with Redeemer’s mission to “Share Christ’s Welcome,” and in support of our mission focus area of fighting homelessness/hunger, Project H.O.P.E. is helping FAMILY of New Paltz’s efforts to provide assistance to those in need.

For those who are seeking to help, here's how you can.

When grocery shopping, consider getting a few extra cans of vegetables or fruit, jelly, oatmeal, shelf sustainable milk ( almond, coconut, or rice milk), eggs (purchased close to drop-off date) or bars of soap or toiletries (toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant).

To ensure proper social distancing guidelines are adhered to, Jackie Anderson will be there and a safe no contact drop off process will be in place.

On behalf of our local residents and Family of New Paltz, thank you for your consideration and generous gifts of assistance.