Palm Sunday, March 24th, marks the end of our Lenten journey and the beginning of Holy Week when we embark on a sacred journey as we prepare our hearts and minds to reflect on the profound events of Jesus' final days. Join us this week to contemplate themes of love, sacrifice, and hope.
As a special and wonderful gift this year for our Good Friday worship. Kairos: A Consort of Singers, a capella vocalist group will share their astonishingly beautiful music woven throughout the reading of The Passion on Good Friday.
This Easter Sunday we are extremely please to once again have live trumpet player in addition to organ music, and choir performing in praise and glory of our risen and glorious Savior, Jesus Christ. A light fare of bagels, fruit, and coffee will allow us to continue the celebration after worship. Additionally, “no plastic” Easter baskets will be waiting for the youngest among us, and to be brought home to grandchildren and great nieces and nephews.