What's Art, Hands and Heart?
Imagine a week of summer when children get in touch with their own hearts, spend time in peace, without electronics and other distractions of modern life. Focusing on simple things, like breathing, and using their creativity to make things with paint, fabric and wood. Dreaming using storytelling and puppetry to investigate big themes and wondrous ideas, visualizing the world they want to live in, and feeding the possibility of those dreams.
A new kind of summer program that brings the arts and the spirit together, celebrating the world and all that is good in it, through hands-on art and music, mindfulness, stories, games, and play. A place where children can explore myths, legends, and adventures in many different ways! Finding their own stories and celebrating being THEMSELF! Great stories, quality art instruction, centering mindfulness activities, games, music-making, and community building activities help children connect with themselves, each other, and the world.
This is Art, Hands and Heart!